Meet Your Coach

Hi! I’m Brenden Davison - husband, father of three, and the coach behind VineKeep coaching.

I was 27 when I got the phone call that my dad had passed away. Something in me seemed to break. Something I didn’t know was there. After reaching out for help with my grief, I was introduced to the Townsend Leadership Program (TLP). Though I didn’t know it, my life was about to be changed for good.

During the three years I participated in the program, I went from taking in the healing I needed, to identifying hurt in others, to then being able to not only speak to their pain, but to sit in it with them until they were ready to move ahead in life. As a result:

  • My marriage got stronger as I learned to listen and be more honest with my thoughts, actions, and fears.

  • I noticed that my kids trusted me more and would bring their hurts to me, knowing I would listen.

  • My voice was stronger when the times came for me to stand up for myself at work and with extended family.

  • I felt as though my life had purpose and as though I was living it intentionally.

Since completing TLP, I moved my family based on our recently invigorated values to pursue more life together. Though it was not easy, it is proving more and more to be exactly the decision we needed to make. I know how much coaching changed my life, and I am hoping you’re ready for it to change yours too.

As for some other fun tidbits, I am husband to my amazing wife, Randee, a father of 3 kids, a story-teller, an Enneagram 7, a movie enthusiast, a D&D nerd, a fan of board games, and a lover of Jesus. 

Although I could go on, this is me in a brief summary. What I am really excited for is to get to know who you are!

What is VineKeep Coaching?

  • VineKeep is the name I selected for this dream of mine. The meaning comes from a parable from Luke chapter 13. Jesus tells a story about a tree that bears no fruit, and how the landowner desires to discard the tree to make space for one that will bear fruit. When he approaches the vineyard keeper, the landowner is told, “Let me have a year to dig and work in the soil. After that time, if the tree is still not producing fruit, then you may cut it down.” 

    I look at each and every one of us as these trees. We should all be bearing fruit, and yet, some of us don’t. Or, we only find success growing fruit in certain areas of our life. That is not the tree’s fault. It’s a matter of not having good soil and the nutrients it needs to produce fruit. Whereas I am not Jesus, I very well could be the vinekeep to your tree. That is the story behind the name and the meaning behind the VineKeep mission.

  • Coaching has so much to offer everyone. However, the true strength of coaching is in the group! I am one man with my own story, but in group, you will form bonds with other couples that you will get to know personally. You will share your stories and journeys together and be impacted by them as they process and experience their own healing and integrating. You will live it with them. Your own understanding and wisdom will improve because you will have gained from their experiences, and they will have gained from yours. 

    Each time we gather, we will have a brief time of teaching and then move into Q&A and check-ins to address what hang-ups you have that can be massaged and brought to the group for process to help shape your path forward. It will always be with the mindset of empowering and building your relationship to be the strongest and best that it can be!

  • VineKeep Coaching is designed for:

    A couple ready for a stronger, better connected marriage.

    A couple eager for a community to engage in and grow alongside, creating lasting friendships and a place of trusted counsel.

    A couple desiring to find their own voices and establish healthy boundaries in their professional and personal circles.

    A couple looking to have more patience with their children, loving them where they are, not for where they “should be”.

    A couple looking for a “home base” to be celebrated, challenged, and encouraged to take the next steps in realizing their full potential.

    It’s not for:

    A couple thinking they know everything there is to know about each other.

    A couple looking to remain exactly where they are in their careers.

    A couple unwilling to entertain new thoughts/ideas that could change their life together for the better.

    A couple not looking to make new friends or connections.

    A couple not trusting a place to process ideas and dreams for their personal, familial or professional projects.

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

- Gandalf (JRR Tolkien)